Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kara Walker

Kara Walker is an artist know for critiquing race, gender, and sexuality through her unique black and white paper silhouettes cut-outs. Her Victorian silhouette style is accented by her presentation of the cut-outs. Kara directly pastes each figure onto the walls of the gallery, along with colored light. By adding the colored light with a projector, the viewer's shadow is projected onto the wall, allowing them to become one of the silhouettes. This approach allows her to integrate the viewer into her exhibit. Following is a series of her works:

Kara's presentation of art is intriguing. By allowing the viewer's shadow to be projected onto the wall, she can convey her message. Along with silhouette cut-outs, she also draws, as shown above. Kara's work takes an older form of art,Victorian paper cut-outs, and transforms it into a modern critique of society.

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